Wayne Glew Interviews

Wayne Glew is an ex-policeman from Geraldton, Western Australia. Like many others who are now well-versed in Common Law and our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, Wayne was forced to expand his knowledge due to the unlawful attacks on him by the Geraldton Council: A bigger bunch of lying thieves you are unlikely to meet outside of any State and Federal Parliament.

The Geraldton Council has tried to steal Wayne’s land from him, first through unlawful court orders, and later by sheer theft and vandalism. But Wayne has steadfastly fought their predatory actions.

All governments and councils, as well as the Governor General in Australia today are unlawful. They have no Crown Authority, and without that they are acting in Treason. As Wayne says, the sooner we all grow a backbone and citizens’ arrest these criminals and traitors the sooner we can bring about a lawful Commonwealth of Australian government. It’s up to us to fix our Constitutional problems.

Thanks for listening!