Harry & Mike discuss Money

Harry & Mike podcast on AustralianPatriotRadio.com

Sometimes we have such important news and information that we need to share our Australian Patriot Radio podcasts on TBAB as well to ensure we reach the widest possible audience.

In this podcast, Harry and Mike expose draft legislation covertly pushed through Parliament, giving us just 7 days for you, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, to object. No coverage in mainstream media about government ready to control of your cash money and sending you to jail if you disobey  …. 

Below are relevant links you need to read, a video you must view explaining the government game plan, then Harry and Mike PODCAST.

Take Action to Stop the Government Cash Grab

You can send a personally written Email to: blackeconomy@treasury.gov.au with the subject line: Submission: Exposure Draft—Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019

Or you can simply sign the CEC Online Petition here:
Stop the Bail In Petition

Watch the discussion with CEC spokesman Robbie Barwick who discusses what this legislation means to us:

This is a list of all the Senators currently in Parliament. Please write to your Senators and tell them HANDS OFF OUR MONEY!



46th Parliament as at 31 July 2019

This list is regularly updated at http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/los. Senators’ parliamentary home pages and other information is available at http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Guidelines_for_Contacting_Senators_and_Members.

No. Senator State or Territory Party State or Territory and Email Addresses State or Territory Telephone and Facsimile Numbers
  1   Abetz, Senator the Hon Eric   TAS   LP   Highbury House, 136 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000 (GPO Box 1675, Hobart TAS 7001) Email: senator.abetz@aph.gov.au   (03) 6224 3707 1300 132 493 (03) 6224 3709 (fax)
2 Antic, Senator Alexander (Alex) SA LP Commonwealth Parliament Offices, Suite 8, Level 13, 100 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 Email: senator.antic@aph.gov.au (08) 8205 1080
3 Askew, Senator Wendy Anne TAS LP Suite 1, 71 Paterson Street, Launceston TAS 7250 (PO Box 97, Launceston TAS 7250) Email: senator.askew@aph.gov.au (03) 6331 8501 1300 134 468
4 Ayres, Senator Timothy (Tim) NSW ALP Commonwealth Parliament Offices, Level 21 Suite 6,1 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (GPO Box 36 Sydney NSW 2000) Email: senator.ayres@aph.gov.au (02) 8289 9760
5 Bernardi, Senator Cory SA IND 36 Grenfell Street, Kent Town SA 5067 (PO Box 2192, Kent Town SA 5071) (08) 8362 8600 1300 880 569 (08) 8362 8579 (fax)
6 Bilyk, Senator Catryna Louise TAS ALP Suite 3, Kingston Plaza, 20 Channel Highway, Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 320, Kingston TAS 7051) Email: senator.bilyk@aph.gov.au (03) 6229 4444 1300 855 225 (03) 6229 4100 (fax)
7 Birmingham, Senator the Hon Simon John Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment (Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) SA LP 107 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton SA 5033 Email: senator.birmingham@aph.gov.au (08) 8354 1644 1300 301 638
8 Bragg, Senator Andrew James NSW LP Commonwealth Parliament Offices, Level 19 Suite 1, 1 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (GPO Box 36 Sydney NSW 2000) Email: senator.bragg@aph.gov.au (02) 8289 9110
9 Brockman, Senator William Edward (Slade) (Deputy Government Whip in the Senate) WA LP Level 40, Exchange Tower 2 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Email: senator.brockman@aph.gov.au (08) 6245 3305
10 Brown, Senator Carol Louise TAS ALP AMP Building, Ground Floor, 27 Elizabeth Street, Hobart TAS 7001 (GPO Box 376, Hobart TAS 7001) Email: senator.carol.brown@aph.gov.au (03) 6231 0099 1300 301 532 (03) 6231 3009 (fax)

In those instances where senators prefer to be known by other than his/her first name, the preferred name is underlined.

**Indicates changes since last issue of this list (dated 29 July 2019).

1300 numbers are available from within home state or territory only for the cost of a local call.

Note: It is requested that any changes be notified to the Usher of the Black Rod (email: blackrod.sen@aph.gov.au)

No. Senator State or Territory Party State or Territory and Email Addresses State or Territory Telephone and Facsimile Numbers
  11   Canavan, Senator the Hon Matthew James Minister for Resources and Northern Australia (Deputy Leader of The Nationals in the Senate)   QLD   NATS   Ground Floor, 34 East Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700 (PO Box 737, Rockhampton QLD 4700) Email: senator.canavan@aph.gov.au   (07) 4927 2003 1300 301 887 (07) 4927 2004 (fax)
12 Carr, Senator the Hon Kim John VIC ALP 62 Lygon Street, Carlton South VIC 3053 Email: senator.carr@aph.gov.au (03) 9639 2798 (03) 9639 3109 (fax)
13 Cash, Senator the Hon Michaelia Clare Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business WA LP 44 Outram Street, West Perth WA 6005 (PO Box 1966, West Perth WA 6872) Email: senator.cash@aph.gov.au (08) 9226 2000 (08) 9226 2211 (fax)
14 Chandler, Senator Claire TAS LP Suite 1, Level 13, 188 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000 (GPO Box 271, Hobart TAS 7001) Email: senator.chandler@aph.gov.au (03) 6223 1135
15 Chisholm, Senator Anthony QLD ALP Crossroads, 454 Gympie Road Strathpine QLD 4500 (PO Box 2246, Strathpine QLD 4500) Email: senator.chisholm@aph.gov.au (07) 3881 3710
16 Ciccone, Senator Raffaele (Raff) VIC ALP Ground Floor, 1013 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128 Email: senator.ciccone@aph.gov.au (03) 9890 7022 (03) 9890 7122 (fax)
17 Colbeck, Senator the Hon Richard Mansell Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians Minister for Youth and Sport TAS LP 5-7 Best Street, Devonport TAS 7310 (PO Box 603, Devonport TAS 7310) Email: senator.colbeck@aph.gov.au (03) 6424 5960 (03) 6423 5244 (fax)
18 Cormann, Senator the Hon Mathias Hubert Paul Minister for Finance (Vice-President of the Executive Council) (Leader of the Government in the Senate) WA LP Level 38, Exchange Plaza, 2 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 (GPO Box B58, Perth WA 6838) Email: senator.cormann@aph.gov.au (08) 9325 4227 1300 301 728 (08) 9325 6857 (fax)
19 Davey, Senator Perin McGregor (Nationals Whip in the Senate) NSW NATS 217 Cressy Street, Deniliquin NSW 2710 PO Box 612 Deniliquin NSW 2710 Email: senator.davey@aph.gov.au (02) 9159 9310 1300 301 816
20 Di Natale, Senator Richard (Leader of the Australian Greens) VIC AG Level 14, 90 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Email: senator.dinatale@aph.gov.au (03) 9654 0430 1300 883 502 (03) 5221 5100 (fax)
21 Dodson, Senator Patrick WA ALP Unit 1, 23 Coghlan Street, Broome WA 6725 (PO Box 3490, Broome WA 6725) Email: senator.dodson@aph.gov.au (08) 9193 5955 (08) 9192 6010 (fax)
22 Duniam, Senator the Hon Jonathon Roy Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Assistant Minister for Regional Tourism TAS LP 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 (PO Box 453, Hobart TAS 7001) Email: senator.duniam@aph.gov.au (03) 6231 2444
23 Farrell, Senator the Hon Donald Edward (Don) SA ALP Level 5, 19 Gilles Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Email: senator.farrell@aph.gov.au (08) 8231 8400
24 Faruqi, Senator Mehreen NSW AG 72 Campbell Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Email: senator.faruqi@aph.gov.au (02) 9211 1500
25 Fawcett, Senator the Hon David Julian SA LP Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Suite 4, Level 13, 100 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Email: senator.fawcett@aph.gov.au (08) 8205 1040 (08) 8205 1045 (fax)
No. Senator State or Territory Party State or Territory and Email Addresses State or Territory Telephone and Facsimile Numbers
  26   Fierravanti-Wells, Senator the Hon Concetta Anna   NSW   LP   Suite 1, Level 2, 6-8 Regent Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 (PO Box 886, Wollongong NSW 2520) Email: senator.fierravanti-wells@aph.gov.au   (02) 4226 1700 1300 735 268 (02) 4226 1733 (fax)
27 Fifield, Senator the Hon Mitchell Peter (Mitch) VIC LP 42 Florence Street, Mentone VIC 3194 Email: senator.fifield@aph.gov.au (03) 9584 2455 1300 797 110
28 Gallacher, Senator Alexander McEachian (Alex) SA ALP 265 Churchill Road, Prospect SA 5082 Email: senator.gallacher@aph.gov.au (08) 8269 6022 (08) 8269 6044 (fax)
29 Gallagher, Senator Katherine Ruth (Katy) (Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate) ACT ALP Unit A, Ground Floor, Law Society Building, 11 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601 Email: senator.katy.gallagher@aph.gov.au (02) 6230 0411 (02) 6230 0413 (fax)
**30 Green, Senator Nita Louise QLD ALP Suite 1.09 and Suite 1.11, Bolands Centre 14 Spence Street, Cairns QLD 4870 PO Box 4716, Cairns Post Shop Cairns Qld 4870 Email: senator.green@aph.gov.au (07) 4080 7366
31 Griff, Senator Stirling SA CA Level 3, 27 Leigh Street, Adelaide SA 5000 (PO Box 8117, Adelaide SA 5000) Email: senator.griff@aph.gov.au (08) 8212 1409 (08) 8231 2053 (fax)
32 Hanson, Senator Pauline Lee QLD PHON Suites 5 and 6, Level 36, Waterfront Place 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 (GPO Box 228, Brisbane QLD 4001) Email: senator.hanson@aph.gov.au (07) 3221 7644 (07) 3221 8422 (fax)
33 Hanson-Young, Senator Sarah Coral SA AG Level 7, 147 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Email: senator.hanson-young@aph.gov.au (08) 8227 0425 (08) 8227 0426 (fax)
34 Hughes, Senator Hollie Alexandra NSW LP Commonwealth Parliament Offices, Level 21 Suite 9, 1 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (GPO Box 36 Sydney NSW 2000) Email: senator.hughes@aph.gov.au (02) 8289 9880
35 Hume, Senator the Hon Jane Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology VIC LP 223 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121 (PO Box 224, Richmond VIC 3121) Email: senator.hume@aph.gov.au (03) 9428 1773
36 Keneally, Senator the Hon Kristina Kerscher (Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate) NSW ALP Suite 503, Level 5, 56 Station Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 (PO Box W4, Parramatta Westfield NSW 2150) Email: senator.keneally@aph.gov.au (02) 9891 9139 1300 880 904
37 Kitching, Senator Kimberley Jane Elizabeth VIC ALP Tenancy 3, 6 English Street, Essendon Fields VIC 3041 Email: senator.kitching@aph.gov.au (03) 9374 1640
38 Lambie, Senator Jacqui TAS JLN Shop 4, 22 Mount Street, Burnie TAS 7320 (PO Box 256 Burnie TAS 7320) Email: senator.lambie@aph.gov.au (03) 6431 3112
39 Lines, Senator Susan (Sue) (Deputy President and Chair of Committees) WA ALP 51 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 (PO Box 1322, West Perth WA 6872) Email: senator.lines@aph.gov.au (08) 9481 4844 1300 655 388 (08) 9481 4244 (fax)
40 McAllister, Senator Jennifer Ryll (Jenny) NSW ALP Suite 1, 1 Park Avenue, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Email: jennifer.mcallister@aph.gov.au (02) 9719 8100 1300 301 752 (02) 9719 8078 (fax)
No. Senator State or Territory Party State or Territory and Email Addresses State or Territory Telephone and Facsimile Numbers
41 McCarthy, Senator Malarndirri (Deputy opposition whip in the Senate) NT ALP 38B Mitchell Street, Darwin NT 0800 (PO Box 1596 Darwin NT 0801) Email: senator.mccarthy@aph.gov.au (08) 8941 0003 1300 301 713 (08) 8941 0071 (fax)
  42   McDonald, Senator Susan Eileen   QLD   NATS   Level 1, 131 Denham Street, Townsville QLD 4810 (PO Box 2185, Townsville QLD 4810) Email: senator.mcdonald@aph.gov.au   (07) 4771 3066 1300 301 949
43 McGrath, Senator the Hon James (Deputy Government whip in the Senate) QLD LP Tenancy A, 2-4 Mitchell Street, Nambour QLD 4560 (PO Box 772 Nambour QLD 4560) Email: senator.mcgrath@aph.gov.au (07) 5441 1800 1300 769 412 (07) 5441 1699 (fax)
44 McKenzie, Senator the Hon Bridget Minister for Agriculture (Leader of The Nationals in the Senate) VIC NATS 172 High Street, Wodonga VIC 3690 Email: senator.mckenzie@aph.gov.au (02) 6024 2560 1300 889 103 (02) 6024 2635 (fax)
45 McKim, Senator Nicholas James (Nick) TAS AG 149B Macquarie Street,Hobart TAS 7000 (GPO Box 896, Hobart TAS 7001) Email: senator.mckim@aph.gov.au (03) 6224 8899 1300 131 720 (03) 6224 7599 (fax)
46 McMahon, Senator Samantha Jane (Sam) NT CLP 1, 229 McMillans Road, Jingili NT 0810 Email: senator.mcmahon@aph.gov.au (08) 8948 3555 (08) 8948 3544
47 O’Neill, Senator Deborah Mary NSW ALP Suite 3,12 The Platinum Building, 4 Ilya Avenue Erina NSW 2250 Email: senator.oneill@aph.gov.au (02) 4367 4565 (02) 4367 3506 (fax)
48 O’Sullivan, Senator Matthew Anthony (Matt) WA LP Suite 5, 162 Colin Street, West Perth WA 6005 Email: senator.matt.o’sullivan@aph.gov.au (08) 9226 5387
49 Paterson, Senator James William VIC LP Ground floor, 63 York Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 Email: senator.paterson@aph.gov.au (03) 9690 2201
50 Patrick, Senator Rex Lyall SA CA Level 2, 31 Ebenezer Place, Adelaide SA 5000 Email: senator.patrick@aph.gov.au (08) 8232 1144 1300 556 115 (08) 8232 3744 (fax)
51 Payne, Senator the Hon Marise Ann Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Women NSW LP 2-12 Macquarie Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 (PO Box 1420, Parramatta NSW 2150) Email: senator.payne@aph.gov.au foreign.minister@dfat.gov.au (02) 9687 8755 (02) 9687 8466 (fax)
52 Polley, Senator Helen TAS ALP ‘The Charles’, Suite 101, 287 Charles Street, Launceston TAS 7250 (PO Box 1223, Launceston TAS 7250) Email: senator.polley@aph.gov.au (03) 6331 2599 1300 134 923 (03) 6331 2588 (fax)
53 Pratt, Senator Louise Clare WA ALP 183 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont WA 6104 (PO Box 531, Belmont WA 6984) Email: senator.pratt@aph.gov.au (08) 9277 1502 1300 545 179
54 Rennick, Senator Gerard QLD LP 421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 (PO Box 907 Fortitude Valley Post Shop Fortitude Valley QLD 4006) Email: senator.rennick@aph.gov.au (07) 3252 7101
55 Reynolds, Senator the Hon Linda Karen CSC Minister for Defence WA LP Suite C, 117 Great Eastern Highway, Rivervale WA 6103 (PO Box 369, Belmont WA 6984) Email: senator.reynolds@aph.gov.au (08) 9477 5411
No. Senator State or Territory Party State or Territory and Email Addresses State or Territory Telephone and Facsimile Numbers
56 Rice, Senator Janet Elizabeth VIC AG Shops 2-3 26 Lygon Street Brunswick East VIC 3057 Email: senator.rice@aph.gov.au (03) 9381 1446 1300 784 377
  57   Roberts, Senator Malcolm Ieuan   QLD   PHON   Commonwealth Parliament Offices Suite 2 , Level 36 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 (PO Box 228 Brisbane QLD 4001) Email: senator.roberts@aph.gov.au   (07) 3221 9099
58 Ruston, Senator the Hon Anne Minister for Families and Social Services (Manager of Government Business in the Senate) SA LP 9 Renmark Avenue, Renmark SA 5341 (PO Box 1671, Renmark SA 5341) Email: senator.ruston@aph.gov.au (08) 8586 6600 1300 857 022 (08) 8595 1700 (fax)
59 Ryan, Senator the Hon Scott Michael President of the Senate VIC LP 12 Pascoe Vale Road, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 (PO Box 556, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039) Email: senator.ryan@aph.gov.au (03) 9326 1088
60 Scarr, Senator Paul Martin QLD LP Commonwealth Parliament Office Level 25 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000 (GPO Box 228 Brisbane QLD 4001) Email: senator.scarr@aph.gov.au (07) 3211 7240
61 Seselja, Senator the Hon Zdenko Matthew (Zed) Assistant Minister for Finance, Charities and Electoral Matters ACT LP Shop 1, 25 Earnest Cavanagh Street Gungahlin ACT 2912 (PO Box 705 Gungahlin ACT 2912) Email: senator.seselja@aph.gov.au (02) 6247 6444 (02) 6257 4140 (fax)
62 Sheldon, Senator Anthony Vincent (Tony) NSW ALP Suite 405 Henry Lawson Building 19 Roseby Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Email: senator.sheldon@aph.gov.au (02) 9719 1078 1300 884 092
63 Siewert, Senator Rachel (Australian Greens Whip) WA AG Unit 11, Level 2, 440 William Street, Perth WA 6000 Email: senator.siewert@aph.gov.au (08) 9228 3277 1300 881 218
64 Sinodinos, Senator the Hon Arthur,AO NSW LP Suite 3 Level 20, 1 Bligh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Email: senator.sinodinos@aph.gov.au (02) 8289 9450
65 Smith, Senator Dean Anthony (Government Whip in the Senate) WA LP 48 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth WA 6005 (PO Box 930, West Perth WA 6872) Email: senator.smith@aph.gov.au (08) 9481 0349 1300 301 849
66 Smith, Senator Marielle Feuerherdt SA ALP Commonwealth Parliament Offices, Suite 6, Level 13, 100 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Email: senator.marielle.smith@aph.gov.au (08) 8205 1050 (08) 8232 4161 (fax)
67 Steele-John, Senator Jordon WA AG Level 40 Exchange Tower 2 the Esplanade Perth WA 6000 (GPO Box B58 Perth WA 6838) Email: senator.steele-john@aph.gov.au (08) 6245 3310
68 Sterle, Senator Glenn WA ALP 6a Market City, 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155 (Mailpoint 22, Market City, 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155) Email: senator.sterle@aph.gov.au (08) 9455 1420 1300 666 494 (08) 9455 1421 (fax)
69 Stoker, Senator Amanda Jane QLD LP Suite 10, Level 36, Waterfront Place 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 228, Brisbane QLD 4001 Email: senator.stoker@aph.gov.au (07) 3001 8170
No. Senator State or Territory Party State or Territory and Email Addresses State or Territory Telephone and Facsimile Numbers
70 Urquhart, Senator Anne Elizabeth (Opposition Whip in the Senate) TAS ALP Ground Floor, 69 Best Street Devonport TAS 7310 (PO Box 360, Devonport TAS 7310) Email: senator.urquhart@aph.gov.au (03) 6423 1933 1300 792 331 (03) 6423 3544 (fax)
71 Van, Senator David Allan VIC LP Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices Level 4, Suite 4.1 4 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002 Email: senator.van@aph.gov.au (03) 9660 6660
72 Walsh, Senator Jess Cecille VIC ALP Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Level 4, Suite 4.6, 4 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002 Email: senator.walsh@aph.gov.au (03) 9232 8860
73 Waters, Senator Larissa Joy QLD AG Level 2, 251 Given Terrace Paddington QLD 4064 (Locked bag 3004, Paddington QLD 4064) Email: senator.waters@aph.gov.au (07) 3367 0566 (07) 3367 0577 (fax)
74 Watt, Senator Murray Patrick (Deputy Opposition Whip in the Senate) QLD ALP Suite G04 Kay House, 35 Scarborough Street Southport QLD 4215 (PO Box 310, Southport Business Centre QLD 4122) Email: senator.watt@aph.gov.au (07) 5531 1033
75 Whish-Wilson, Senator Peter Stuart TAS AG 37 George Street, Launceston TAS 7250 (PO Box 5194, Launceston TAS 7250) Email: senator.whish-wilson@aph.gov.au (03) 6331 0033 1300 449 012 (03) 6331 2044 (fax)
76 Wong, Senator the Hon Penny (Leader of the Opposition in the Senate) SA ALP Level 4, 19 Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000 (PO Box 6237, Halifax Street, Adelaide SA 5000) Email: senator.wong@aph.gov.au (08) 8212 8272 1300 301 698 (08) 8212 8273 (fax)

AG—Australian Greens, ALP—Australian Labor Party, CA—Centre Alliance, CLP—Country Liberal Party, IND—Independent, JLN—Jacqui Lambie Network, LP—Liberal Party of Australia,

NATS—The Nationals, PHON—Pauline Hanson’s One Nation

OFFICERS OF THE SENATE   Telephone Facsimile
President Senator the Hon Scott Ryan (02) 6277 3300 (02) 6277 3108
Deputy President and Chair of Committees Senator Susan Lines (02) 6277 3658 (02) 6277 5822
Clerk of the Senate Mr Richard Pye (02) 6277 3350 (02) 6277 3199
Deputy Clerk of the Senate Ms Maureen Weeks (02) 6277 3360 (02) 6277 3199
Clerk Assistant (Committees) Mr Tim Bryant (02) 6277 3371  
Clerk Assistant (Procedure) Ms Jackie Morris (02) 6277 3380 (02) 6277 3289
Clerk Assistant (Table) Ms Rachel Callinan (02) 6277 3020 (02) 6277 3098
Usher of the Black Rod Mr John Begley (02) 6277 3398  
DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY SERVICES Secretary     Mr Robert (Rob) Stefanic     (02) 6277 7100     (02) 6277 5417


  State 30 June 2022 Senator                          Party 30 June 2025 Senator                          Party   State 30 June 2022 Senator                      Party 30 June 2025 Senator                       Party
NSW Payne, M.A. LP Hughes, H.A. LP TAS Abetz, E. LP Colbeck, R.M. LP
  Keneally, K.K. ALP Sheldon, A.V. ALP   Urquhart, A.E. ALP Brown, C.L. ALP
  Sinodinos, A. LP Bragg, A.J. LP   Whish-Wilson, P.S. AG Chandler, C. LP
  McAllister, J.R. ALP Ayres, T. ALP   Duniam, J.R. LP McKim, N.J. AG
  Fierravanti-Wells, C.A. LP Davey, P.M. NATS   Polley, H. ALP Bilyk, C.L. ALP
  O’Neill, D.M. ALP Faruqi, M. AG   Askew, W.A. LP Lambie, J. JLN
QLD Stoker, A.J. LP Scarr, P.M. LP VIC Fifield, M.P. LP Paterson, J.W. LP
  Watt, M.P. ALP Green, N.L. ALP   Carr, K.J. ALP Ciccone, R. ALP
  Hanson, P.L. PHON McDonald, S.E. NATS   Di Natale, R. AG Hume, J. LP
  Canavan, M.J. NATS Roberts, M.I. PHON   McKenzie, B. NATS Walsh, J.C. ALP
  Chisholm, A. ALP Rennick, G. LP   Kitching, K.J.E. ALP Rice, J.E. AG
  McGrath, J. LP Waters, L.J. AG   Ryan, S.M. LP Van, D.A. LP
SA Birmingham, S.J. LP Ruston, A. LP WA Cormann, M.H.P. LP Reynolds, L.K. LP
  Wong, P. ALP Gallacher, A.M. ALP   Lines, S. ALP Dodson, P. ALP
  Patrick, R.L. CA Fawcett, D.J. LP   Siewert, R. AG Brockman, W.E. LP
  Bernardi, C. IND Smith, M.F. ALP   Cash, M.C. LP O’Sullivan, M.A. LP
  Farrell, D.E. ALP Hanson-Young, S.C. AG   Sterle, G. ALP Pratt, L.C. ALP
  Griff, S. CA Antic, A. LP   Smith, D.A. LP Steele-John, J. AG

Pursuant to section 42 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, the terms of service of the following senators representing the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory expire at the close of the day immediately before the polling day for the next general election of members of the House of Representatives.

Territory Senator Party Senator Party
Australian Capital Territory Gallagher, K.R. ALP Seselja, Z.M. LP
Northern Territory McCarthy, M. ALP McMahon, S.J. CLP

Party Representation: AG 9, ALP 26, CA 2, IND 1, JLN 1, LP 30, NATS/CLP/ 5, PHON 2


Australian Capital Territory .. 1 ..   .. 1 .. .. 2
New South Wales 1 5 ..   .. 5 1 .. 12
Northern Territory .. 1 ..   .. .. 1   2
Queensland 1 3 ..   .. 4 2 2 12
South Australia 1 4 2 1 .. 4 .. .. 12
Tasmania 2 4 ..   1 5 .. .. 12
Victoria 2 4 ..   .. 5 1 .. 12
Western Australia 2 4 ..   .. 6 .. .. 12
  9 26 2 1 1 30 5 2 76


Abetz, Hon E (02) 6277 3019 (02) 6277 5872 Lines, S (02) 6277 3804 (02) 6277 5857
Antic, T (02) 6277 3464   McAllister, J (02) 6277 3443 (02) 6277 5781
Askew, W (02) 6277 3204 McCarthy, M (02) 6277 3094 (02) 6277 5756
Ayres, T (02) 6277 3469   McDonald, S (02) 6277 3635  
Bernardi, C (02) 6277 3278 (02) 6277 5783 McGrath, Hon J (02) 6277 3076 (02) 6277 5948
Bilyk, C (02) 6277 3349 (02) 6277 5799 McKenzie, Hon B (02) 6277 7190
Birmingham, Hon S (02) 6277 7420 McKim, N (02) 6277 3601 (02) 6277 5797
Bragg, A (02) 6277 3479   McMahon, S (02) 6277 3643  
Brockman, S (02) 6277 3764 O’Neill, D (02) 6277 3882 (02) 6273 5880
Brown, C (02) 6277 3336 (02) 6277 3660 O’Sullivan, M (02) 6277 3653  
Canavan, Hon M (02) 6277 7180 Paterson, J (02) 6277 3719
Carr, Hon K (02) 6277 3776 (02) 6277 5837 Patrick, R (02) 6277 3785
Cash, Hon M (02) 6277 7610 Payne, Hon M (02) 6277 7500 (02) 6273 3662
Chandler, C (02) 6277 3542   Polley, H (02) 6277 3129 (02) 6277 5753
Chisholm, A (02) 6277 3103 (02) 6277 5772 Pratt, H (02) 6277 3189 (02) 6277 5806
Ciccone, R (02) 6277 3226   Rennick, G (02) 6277 3666  
Colbeck, Hon R 02) 6277 7720 02) 6273 7093 Reynolds, Hon L (02) 6277 7800  
Cormann, Hon M (02) 6277 7400 (02) 6273 4110 Rice, J (02) 6277 3225 (02) 6277 5717
Davey, P (02) 6277 3565   Roberts, M (02) 6277 3694  
Di Natale, R (02) 6277 3170 (02) 6277 3185 Ruston, Hon A (02) 6277 7560  
Dodson, P (02) 6277 3746 (02) 6277 5905 Ryan, Hon S (02) 6277 3300
Duniam, J (02) 6277 3034 (02) 6277 5709 Scarr, P (02) 6277 3712  
Farrell, Hon D (02) 6277 3053 (02) 6277 5721 Seselja, Hon Z (02) 6277 3187 (02) 6277 5712
Faruqi, M (02) 6277 3095 Sheldon, T (02) 6277 3736  
Fawcett, Hon D (02) 6277 3418 (02) 6277 5964 Siewert, R (02) 6277 3587 (02) 6277 5762
Fierravanti-Wells, Hon C (02) 6277 3098   Sinodinos, Hon A (02) 6277 3661
Fifield, Hon M (02) 6277 3250 Smith, Dean (02) 6277 3404 (02) 6277 3403
Gallacher, A (02) 6277 3450 (02) 6277 5966 Smith, Marielle (02) 6277 3777  
Gallagher, K (02) 6277 3456   Steele-John, J (02) 6277 3646  
Green, N (02) 6277 3580   Sterle, G (02) 6277 3615 (02) 6277 5765
Griff, S (02) 6277 3128 (02) 6277 5787 Stoker, A (02) 6277 3457
Hanson, P (02) 6277 3184 (02) 6277 5805 Urquhart, A (02) 6277 3434
Hanson-Young, S (02) 6277 3430 (02) 6277 5819 Van, D (02) 6277 3760  
Hughes, H (02) 6277 3610   Walsh, J (02) 6277 3744  
Hume, J (02) 6277 3123 (02) 6277 5782 Waters, L (02) 6277 3684
Keneally, Hon K (02) 6277 3512 Watt, M (02) 6277 3046 (02) 6277 5716
Kitching, K (02) 6277 3294 (02) 6277 5814 Whish-Wilson, P (02) 6277 3721 (02) 6277 5793
Lambie, J (02) 6277 3614   Wong, Hon P (02) 6277 3874 (02) 6273 5879

             Published 31 July 2019

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