Monika visits Phil Galea

Phil Galea is a victim of the political party corporate government. He was arrested in August 2016 under the Anti-Terrorism Act.

Since then, he has been held in solitary confinement 23 hours a day under a PDO. He has not been allowed his day in court.

The only visitors he has had in all that time are his family members. Not one Aussie who claims to be fighting to end government corruption has visited Phil…until September 2019. A Christian lady, Monika Evers from Bendigo, visited Phil at the prison near Laverton, Victoria, where he is currently being held. Her report in the podcast below is an eye-opener.

Phil has held up extremely well considering he has been held in solitary confinement for three years without trial. But as Monika points out, he craves human contact. She could see it in his eyes.

We don’t treat animals like this, yet no one seems concerned that an Australian man, a member of the Commonwealth of Australia, has been locked away without trial and denied human contact apart from his lawyer’s visits and infrequent family visits.

Before you listen to the podcast below, you might find this information useful to know…

PDO’s – the Anti Terrorism Act

Preventative detention orders (‘PDOs’), as they are called, were introduced into the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) schedule 1 (‘Criminal Code’) by the Anti-Terrorism Act (No 2) 2005 (Cth) after the terrorist attacks in London in July of 2005.

PDOs are unusual among the many anti-terrorism laws enacted in Australia since the September 11 attacks. Unlike other measures, which typically cover matters such as new criminal offences and special powers for enforcement and intelligence agencies, PDO legislation is not found in other civilized nations such as the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.

In addition, it is difficult to discern why the PDO regime was introduced, as the law at the time already contained a wide range of powers and offences that enabled police to arrest, charge and prosecute individuals involved in terrorism. Unsurprisingly, the PDO regime was not used for the first nine years after its enactment, and since then has been used only four times.

A typical isolation cell – no bed, no natural light, no human contact

The PDO regime is contentious and the subject of ongoing debate due to its potential impact upon a number of human rights, including the right to a fair trial and freedom from arbitrary detention. More broadly, it runs counter to the accepted principle in Australia and other liberal democracies that detention by the state should ordinarily only occur after a finding of criminal guilt by a court.

The extraordinary nature of the scheme is reflected in the fact that it is subject to a sunset clause. The legislation was originally set to expire on 15 December 2015. In the lead-up to that date, the PDO regime was reviewed by two major inquiries – the Council of Australian Governments (‘COAG’) Review of Counter-Terrorism Legislation, and a report by the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (‘INSLM’). Both inquiries, the former by way of a majority of its members, recommended the abolition of the scheme.

Despite this, and without further review or response to these inquiries, the Abbott Government introduced the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014 (Cth) into Parliament to extend the scheme for a further 10 years until December 2025. It argued for an extension, with support from the AFP, on the basis that PDOs would play an ‘important role’ in addressing the threat of terrorism posed by Australian citizens returning home after taking part in the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

The idea of extending the regime for a decade was criticised in a report on the Bill by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. As a result, a compromise position was reached with the Labor Opposition whereby the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Act 2014 (Cth) extended the PDO regime to 7 September 2018, approximately two years after the next federal election.

Phil is not, and never has been, a terrorist. The charges against him are trumped up. The police know it. We know it. Every time Phil is due to go to court it is adjourned to another date. Phil has never traveled overseas to join a terrorist unit. Nor has he ever conducted any terrorist activities in Australia. So why was he arrested under a PDO designed to stop islamic terrorism?

Perhaps his biggest “crime” is that he followed ANTIFA and Socialist Alliance members, filming them to prove that they are engaging in, and/or supporting terrorism. (We have a video he took of his visit to a Socialist bookshop where Sue Bolton works. Bolton is an ANTIFA member and a known rabid troublemaker and agitator for the destruction of Australian Democracy to replace it with full-blown Socialism.) Many countries have already declared ANTIFA a terrorist group. You have to ask why the Australian government has not done so.

Rabid agitator Sue Bolton getting arrested by Police at a Socialist rally in Melbourne.

Declared Insane?

The police have tried to have Phil declared insane using their own psychiatrist so that they could hold him indefinitely without trial. But Phil fought hard and managed to get his own assessment made by an independent psychiatrist that refuted the police report.

The Anti-Terrorism Act allows the police to hold a suspect for up to 12 months without trial. As their attempt to have Phil declared insane failed they have moved him from prison to prison at the end of each 12 month imprisonment term so that they can continue to hold him in solitary confinement without trial.

Phil’s lawyers have asked the Federal and Victorian State Police to provide their evidence so that Phil can conduct a defence, but the police consistently refuse to hand over any evidence. The scant evidence Phil and his lawyers have managed to obtain is laughable.

We have published some of Phil’s letters, as well as other evidence that clearly shows that he is innocent of any crimes on our sister website at:

In an effort to obtain justice for this Australian we publish this interview with a Christian lady, Monika Evers, who visited Phil in September 2019. Her report is a sobering and sad indictment of the political party corporate government system and their enforcers, the Federal and Victoria State police. Is this what we Australians stand for today?

If you would like to help Phil Galea get his day in court, as any Australian is entitled to, please write to:
The Victorian Ombudsman
Level 2, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: (03) 9613 6222
1800 806 314 (Regional Only)

Or submit a complaint online at:

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