Caroline Stephens

Caroline is a UK Constitutional upholder and advocate, working tirelessly to get the British government to adhere to Common Law, the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights 1689, as well as all other lawful laws gained over centuries.

You can find Caroline Stephens on her YouTube Channel link

These are some of Caroline’s videos:

Magna Carta Article 61

Is Magna Carta for Australians?

The Dangers of Freemasonry

Microchip – Revelations – Germany – Mark of the Beast

Caroline Conducts a 5 Part series of discussions with Australian Constitutional expert Wayne Glew

Wayne Glew Constitutional Expert in Perth Part 1

Wayne Glew Constitutional Expert in Perth Part 2

Wayne Glew Constitutional Expert in Perth Part 3

Wayne Glew Constitutional Expert in Perth Part 4

Wayne Glew Constitutional Expert in Perth Part 5