- December 12 – We explain how to join Lip Telegram, followed by a discussion about how to deal with the courts as a living man/woman instead of the strawman they want you to be. Michael talks about the reasons for putting all your assets into a trust.
- December 12 – We discuss how and when to file trespass charges, how to deal with companies that refuse to honour the BOE, and answer various questions… Including buying cars on finance. A link to buy Trespass signs was given: https://commonlaw.earth/index.php/shop/stickers-and-signs
- December 5 – How do we deal with Council when they demand to enter your private property? Download the document below and send it to the council and tell them they must sign the agreement before entering your property, or they will be charged with trespass. Click this download link to buy a No Trespassing sign. How can we protect ourselves from unwanted intrusions? What happens when a BOE is returned because the organization does not accept BOE as payment?
- November 22 – What do you do if you have sent a BOE and the company refuses to honour it? M&M explain how to respond when an organization refuses to honour a BOE. Then we take questions. Michael explains the difference between Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, and when to use them.
- November 21 – In this session M&M explain the process of creating a BOE, where to find the latest documents you need to send, how to create the documents for your own case, and how to deal with any attempt to deny the BOE. Then we answer questions.
- November 14 – All conversations below here are Questions and Answers about Bills of Exchange, and sometimes other topics as well.
- November 7
- October 31
- October 24
- October 17
- October 10
- October 3
- September 26
- September 19
- September 12
- September 5
- August 29
- August 22
- August 15
- August 8
- August 1
- July 25
- July 18
- July 11
- July 04
- June 27
- June 20
- June 13
- June 6
- May 30
- May 23
- May 16
- May 02
- April 25
- April 18
- April 11
- March 7
- March 14
- March 21
- March 28